بررسی تطبیقی حقوق پناهندگان در اسلام و حقوق ... |
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۹۰- www.ecre.org
۹۱- www.law.muni.com
Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch
Faculty of law
A dissertation
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for degree of MA in
International Law
A comparative Study of Refugee Rights in Islam and International Law
Thesis advisor:
Dr. Hassan Solleymani
Dr. Fakhroaldin Abouye
Pouriya Shah Hossaini
Summar 2014
It is Well Established That the a Comparative Con Sideration of Legal Matters has an Unbelievable Value in Understanding New Way and use of Counter Approaches and Experiences of Deferent Laga Sestem. Nevertheless, Due to Creation of non-Islamic Legal sought in the Legal Releamof Islamic Countries, We Feel a Great Need to the Necessity Comparative Consideration between the Jurisprudential Matters an Other Systems Especially in the Contex of Social Problems.
Alien Rights in the Host Country are one of the Ancient-islam Jurisprudential Matters that International Law Recognaizes too. Asylums are one of the Groupes that Their Rights May be Disregarde and Deprived from Diplomatic Protection of Their one State and One the Other Hand are Alien in Host Country.
In this Paper, for Collecting Data Related to the Problem Different Methods Have Been used Including the Library and Note Taking Methods Plus using books, Articles, data Center and Internet.
Lots of Various Books and Articles Written in English have been published in the Literature and also it is the Case in Persian Language. Most of them Taken International Issues of the Problem into Account and les Islamic Attention have been paid to the Refugee’s Right.
Therefore, this Paper Tries to Investigate the Issue Regarding to the Refugee’s Right in Islamic and International law in order to help the Researchers to be Completely Informed about the Development, Edition and Completion on Refugee’s International Right. According to the Depth and Humanitarian Conception of Refugee’s rights in Islam, it can play more Positive role in favor of Refugee Muslim and also other Refugee.
A Comparative Study of the Refugee’s Rights in Islamic and international Law Indicate that some Rights are Considered by both Systems, but there are some Differences Regarding to the Concept of Refuge, Entering as Refugee, main Elements of Refuge, Legal Nature of Refugee in Islamic and International Law.
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- برای شناخت سنت اعطای پناهندگی در ایران قبل از اسلام می توان به داستان سیاوش در شاهنامه فردوسی استناد نمود در جای جای داستان سیاوش، فردوسی با معیار حب وطن، رفتارهای قهرمانان داستان را می سنجد و خوانده را به قضاوت می نشاند و رفتار ناجوانمردانه افراسیاب را با سیاوش که به وی پناهنده شده است. در مقابل رفتار بزرگوارانه کاوس شاه در رابطه با پناهندگی فرنگیس مادر کی خسرو قرار می دهد. ↑
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[پنجشنبه 1400-09-25] [ 03:03:00 ق.ظ ]