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Micro and Nano electromechanical systems have been considered mainly in two fields of sensors and actuators in different sciences such as mechanic, aerospace and medicine due to the unique characteristics and distinguished properties. Electrostatically actuation is one of the simplest and most prevalent of actuation and sensing in these systems that lead to instability phenomenon in them.
Prediction of static and dynamic behavior of electromechanical systems have gone along with errors in nano-scale based on classical theories. Hence in the present study, electrostatically actuated carbon nano-switches and carbon nano-sensors are investigated with nonlocal stress theory. At First, the nonlinear governing equations and boundary conditions with nonlocal theory are reformulated and deflection of nanobeam is divided into dynamic and static parts. The static solution is done and then natural frequencies and normal mode shapes are extracted by eigen-value dynamic problem solution in which both of them are the function of static voltage and nonlocal parameter. Due to used in Galerkin approximation method for solving equations to determine pull-in voltage and pull-in time more accurately. In vibration analysis by introducing a new model of carbon nanosensor which their efficiency is examined in the presence of moving nanoparticle. Also nonlinear pull-in instability of boron nitride nanoswitch with nonlocal piezoelasticity theory is investigated. Finally, based on the analysis of static, dynamic and vibration, the results show that the nonlocal influence affect on the nano-electromechanical switches in field of pull-in parameters.
Nano-electromechanical system, pull-in voltage, Carbon nanotube, Boron nitride nanoswitch, Nonlocal elastisity theory, Nonlinear dynamic, Electrostatic actuation.
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[پنجشنبه 1400-09-25] [ 12:05:00 ق.ظ ]