ﻧﮕﺎرش ﻣﻘﺎﻟﻪ ﭘﮋوهشی در مورد بررسی نظام حقوقی بین ... |
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- Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children.
- Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition.
- Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights: UDHR
- Declaration of Territorial Asylum.
- Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals who are Not Nationals of the Country in Which They Live.
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.
- UN Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination of 20 November1963
- A/RES/55/93, Resolution on the International Migrants Day.
- A/RES/55/88, Resolution on International Convention on the Protection of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
- A/RES/58/143, Resolution on Violence against Women Migrant Workers.
- A/RES/60/227, Resolution on International Migration and Development.
- A/RES/63/184, Resolution on Protection of Migrants.
- Refugees and Stateless Persons, UN GA Resolution319A (IV) of 3 December1949
- General Comment No.15, the Position of Aliens under the Covenent, Human Rights Committee (1986)
- General Comment No.27, Freedom of Movement (Article12), Human Rights Committee (1999)
- General Comment No.28, the Equality of Aliens between Men and Women, Human Rights Committee (2000)
- General Comment No.14(Article 12 of the International covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, The Right to the Highest Standard of Health.
Examination of the International Legal Regime
Governing Protection of Migrants
Farzaneh Sadeghi
Migrants are the principal subjects of a new branch of the international law called “the International Law of Migration”. According to the UN definition, migrants are those who reside for 12 months in a country which is not their national countries. The main reasons for migration are positive and negative aspects the respective countries. In turn, migrants have positive and negative effects on these countries. While migrants can have positive impact on countries, they may also be considered as a threat for them.
In international law, the protection of migrants has been mainly reflected in the international documents and organizations. Since migrants are members of human community, they are entitled to certain rights and freedoms. Accordingly, States have duties and responsibilities in putting these rights and freedoms into effect. One of the main rights of migrants is the right to free movement.
In managing migration, it is important to pay adequate attention to the relations between States and migrants. Although States can protect their national interests in accordance with the principle of sovereignty, any discriminatory actions or racial discrimination against migrants are against international rules and regulations, particularly those of the international law of human rights.
Once migrants entered into a State’s territory, the territorial State is obliged to respect and protect their rights. The tough policies about migration, in contradiction with international protect, cannot necessarily cause reduction of migration and instead it may create conditions for committing migration related crimes. Accordingly, the enforcement of tough policies is not the only way to protect States’ security and interests. It is better that States accept their international obligations by being parties to the respective international documents and to make their policies in accordance with these obligations. In fact, a positive view about migration and paying attention to its positive effects can help to tackle negative views about migration in order to protect the human rights of migrants nationally and internationally.
Shiraz University
Faculty of law and political sciences
M.A.Thesis International Law
Farzaneh Sadeghi
Supervised by:
January 2012
Immigration.- ↑
- International Organization for Migration (IOM). ↑
-Migration. ↑
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[پنجشنبه 1400-09-25] [ 02:44:00 ق.ظ ]